AASHTOWare Bridge Management Product Update

May 2021

The AASHTOWare Bridge Task Force product update is provided to keep all AASHTOWare Bridge Management (BrM) Software users apprised of recent activity related to the software development. The Task Force is committed to providing quarterly updates to improve communication between the Task Force and those interested in the product.

BrM 6.4 Released

The AASHTOWare Bridge Task Force is pleased to announce the release of BrM version 6.4. This release was made available to the user community on January 8, 2021. Here is the release video that summarizes the new enhancements included in the release. Below are some of the key highlights:

  • Redesigned Multimedia Module
    • Updated the Inspection > Multimedia task to use the redesigned Multimedia module.
    • Added the Admin > Security > Multimedia task to manage the role-based permission for multimedia contexts and subfolders.
    • Added the Admin > General Config > Multimedia task to configure various settings for the Multimedia module.
    • Added a Multimedia widget that can be added to any new or existing task from the Visual Forms Editor.
  • Updated the Program Optimizer to allow for multi-year, manually funded (funding allocated) projects.
  • Updated the Programs > Assign Projects task to allow for the assignment of projects to specific program scenarios.
  • Added the ability to enable/disable the optimizer log files, control the number of alternative logs maintained in the system, and set the number of rows of data permitted in each alternative log.
  • Added the ability to download optimizer log files, including the web output log and the alternative log, on the Programs > Program Planning task.
  • Added a Weighted option to the Percent Condition State field for the Element Condition State action type on the Admin > Modeling Config > Network Policies task.
  • Added the Bridges > Mapping > Enhanced Mapping task that allows you to view the surrounding bridges on a map within a particular area of the selected bridge. You can also draw your own area from which to view surrounding bridges.
  • Various bug fixes and improvements (full list supplied with the release announcement).

Note: There are some new considerations when adding multimedia file links to custom Crystal Reports. Please see the attached document for more details about what’s changed: Adding Multimedia to Custom Reports in 6.4.pdf

As always, please contact Mayvue by emailing BrM@mayvue.com with questions, installation support, or to report issues.

BrM 6.4.1 Patch Release

Shortly after the release of version 6.4, the Task Force authorized Mayvue to complete a patch release to address a potential security vulnerability discovered in one of the application frameworks used to build BrM. Upon identification, Mayvue contacted all agencies that downloaded version 6.4 to explain the situation and suggested delaying their 6.4 implementations until the patch release was made available. 

The 6.4.1 patch was released to the user community on February 4, 2021. While this patch is optional and may not impact your agency, it is Mayvue’s recommendation for agencies to install this version when upgrading their BrM instance. 

Agencies interested in upgrading to version 6.4.1 can find the installation files, release notes/instructions, and software documentation here. Please reach out to Mayvue if you have any questions.

BrM 6.5 – Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) Update

Mayvue hit the 100% development completion milestone at the end of March 2021 and held a demonstration of the functionalities for the Beta Testing TAG, Optimizer TAG, Database TAG, and Task Force on April 22, 2021. The Beta Testing TAG is continuing to test the LCCA functionality to ensure all components of the enhancement are functioning as expected, on both the Mayvue hosted site and in their local environments. 

Due to the large number of enhancements included in the LCCA project, and the long-awaited nature of this release by many agencies, the Task Force has decided to release the LCCA enhancements to the BrM community in the summer of 2021 as BrM 6.5. This release will also include maintenance fixes that Mayvue is able to include through the end of beta testing. The Task Force will continue to update the user community on the delivery of the LCCA enhancements as development and testing progresses.

BrM 6.6 Work Plan

The Task Force finalized the BrM 6.6 work plan during their April Task Force meeting. The high-level enhancements included in the scope of this project (planned for delivery in early calendar year 2022) are listed below:

  • Sub-divide Funding by Project Category (#2 user voted priority)
  • Critical Findings / Request for Action Module
  • User Certification Module
  • Analytical Tools
    • STIP Project Import Tool
    • Time in State Report (for NBI items)
    • NBI Conversion Report   

The BrM 6.6 Project work plan was approved by the Standing Committee on AASHTOWare (SCOA) on May 3, 2021 and the contract is expected to be executed in early May. 

The Task Force is also evaluating the possibility of including a Signs Module enhancement and/or the Suppression Rule enhancement (formerly known as the Optimizer Look Ahead rule) in the 6.6 release via a work plan/contract modification in June 2021. The inclusion of these enhancements is dependent on funding availability and individual state funding contributions / service unit donations to support the development activities. 

Please reach out to the Task Force or Mayvue with any questions related to the BrM 6.6 work plan.

Update – Proposed Changes to the National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS) as well as the new Specifications for the National Bridge Inventory (SNBI)

The Task Force continues to monitor the proposed changes to the NBIS and SNBI. A date has not yet been established for the official release of these proposed changes; however, the Task Force remains vigilant to ensure we are ready to respond without delay. We have previously communicated that a project solicitation will be issued to secure sufficient funding to ensure BrM’s compliance with the new regulations. Please note, the Task Force has prioritized maintaining BrM’s compliance with national standards as its highest objective for the future. We will continue to monitor the timing of the release and continue to make you aware as we learn new information.

We ask that all agencies strongly consider supporting this important undertaking through participation in the upcoming project solicitation. 

When/How Can AASHTO Accept Funding Commitments?

Based on feedback received from several AASHTO Member Agencies interested in participating in the upcoming project solicitation, we have learned that some agencies have “earmarked” funding in their current fiscal year budgets to commit funding towards the NBIS/SNBI BrM project.  

The solicitation commitment process cannot commence until the work plan is finalized and the work plan cannot be finalized until the requirements have been published. Therefore, for those agencies interested in committing funding to this important initiative prior to the publication of the NBIS/SNBI changes and issuance of the project solicitation, an alternate mechanism has been established to commit funding for the project.

Funding for the NBIS/SNBI BrM project can be committed to AASHTO via the FY2022 Member Software Request Form: Additional Enhancement Funding.  All funding contributed in this manner will be reserved to support the project solicitation. Questions about the project solicitation process should be directed to Judy Tarwater. 

Reminder – BrM Training Videos Available

The Task Force authorized the creation of numerous BrM training videos focused on frequently asked questions and available functionalities/modules added to the software. These videos contain useful information for all levels of users and are readily available on the BrM YouTube channel located here. Be sure to subscribe and click the bell icon to receive notifications whenever a video is released. Requests for additional topics to be considered for video instruction should be submitted to BrM@mayvue.com. Your input is always appreciated.

The 2021 BrMUG Meeting is Going Virtual (Again)!

Based on responses to the recent BrM user community agenda planning survey, it was determined that agency travel approval for a majority of the BrM user community will not be supported for the 2021 BrMUG meeting scheduled for this September. Please save the date for the 2021 VIRTUAL Bridge Management User Group Meeting (BrMUG) which will be held September 14 – 16, 2021. 

The User Group Officers are working hard on agenda development, using input received from their recent survey. Registration for the event will not be opened until the agenda is in final form. Please watch for 2021 VIRTUAL BrMUG meeting emails for additional information.

The AASHTOWare Bridge Task Force