June 2023
The AASHTOWare Bridge Task Force product update is provided to keep all AASHTOWare Bridge Management (BrM) software users apprised of recent activity related to the development of the software. The Task Force is committed to providing quarterly updates to help improve communication between the Task Force and those interested in the product.
BrM 6.7 Released
BrM 6.7 was released to the user community in March 2023. This important release provides a ton of new features requested by the user community including Dashboards, the ability to create and inspect ancillary assets, NBI Conversion Profiles, and various other fixes and enhancements. The 6.7 release will be the last major release until the BrM 7.0 software is available. The Task Force recommends that agencies move to the latest version of the BrM software, when possible, to take advantage of all the new features and be prepared to transition to 7.0. Please reach out to Mayvue to get access to this release or if you need support when upgrading.
Dashboards are Already a Hit!
BrM 6.7 provides agencies with the ability to create flexible/configurable dashboards by querying the BrM database. User-defined queries pull data from the database into visual dashboards. Dashboards are already taking off and some interesting dashboards will be demonstrated at the BrMUG in September. We have seen examples of dashboards for inspection management, load ratings, work candidates, and optimization results – and the users are just getting started.
A webinar was recently held for BrM users to learn how to use the dashboard module to its highest potential, including how to modify the out-of-the-box dashboard that is included in the 6.7 release. The Task Force recommends reviewing the training if you were not able to make it. The recorded webinar can be downloaded here.
The configurable dashboards can be modified to meet your unique preferences or specific agency needs. The dashboard module provides results in summary and visual form (charts and graphs) to display information for all types of users and management. Furthermore, the visual dashboards are a great way to share information in management reports or even the TAMP submittal.
We hope you leverage these powerful tools to create dashboards that work for you, and that you’re willing to share at the next BrMUG!

NBI Conversion Profiles
This 6.7 feature was the highest voted priority by the BrM user community. It allows agencies to subdivide each bridge into its own profile. Previously, a single NBI conversion profile contained the setting of a bridge component, such as one profile for all superstructures. Now an agency can define different conversion profiles for steel and concrete beams, or separate profiles for cables and cast-in-place beams – all of which might have different thresholds of CS3 or 4 that would warrant a poor GCR rating. This enhancement gives users more flexibility and control. This change also allows slab elements to be included in both the deck and super GCR conversions. BrM comes with the FHWA profiles that use their recommended values as a starting point for inspection and the BrM default profiles with values intended to work well in the deterioration modeling. Remember to use the NBI Element Conversion report to help find conversion rates for your agency practices and the subdivisions of your choice.

BrM Early 7.0 Cloud-Hosted Sites Available
As a benefit of contributing to the BrM 7.0 solicitation, participating agencies have received an Early 7.0 cloud-hosted development site to see the progress of the 7.0 transition in real time and assist with their agency’s eventual transition. These sites were made available by Mayvue to contributing agencies in mid-May 2023. The provided sites contain the first release of foundational pieces and will be updated as development progresses (through the BrM 7.0 release for production use). Additionally, Mayvue will be completing webinars as updates are pushed to the sites to keep contributing agencies informed on progress and to discuss the latest features, improvements, and changes. The 7.0 transition is an overhaul of the BrM software to meet the new coding guide changes while updating the BrM framework to build sustainability. We are excited about the progress made to date and how BrM is going to meet the new Federal requirements in the near term.
The Task Force would like to thank the agencies who have contributed to the solicitation and are actively participating in this overhaul. There’s still time for agencies who are interested to participate. Every contribution helps to make the product better. Please reach out to the Task Force, Mayvue, and/or Ryan Fragapane for more information about the benefits and process for contributing.
New BrM Task Force Members
In June 2023, the BrM Task Force and Mayvue will meet in person. The in-person meetings occur quarterly to keep the focus on BrM’s development, and progression, and plan future directions. However, this will be the last meeting that certain members of the Task Force will be attending as their tenure is complete. The Task Force will be adding four new Task Force members! They are:
- Justin Alamares, Caltrans
- Jacob Armour, Michigan DOT
- Ida Narbuvoll, North Dakota DOT
- Emily Bickley, South Carolina DOT
We are confident that these individuals will be excellent contributors to the software and advocates for the BrM user community.
Furthermore, we would like to thank Eric Christie of the Alabama DOT and Beckie Curtis of the Michigan DOT for their tremendous service to the BrM software over the last decade. Their contributions and leadership were vital to the BrM software and they will be greatly missed.
AASHTOWare BrM Mobile Inspection powered by Mayvue
Member Departments and Associate Members wishing to use the AASHTOWare Bridge Mobile Inspection powered by Mayvue can license this application through AASHTO. This is an add-on to the enterprise version of BrM. Please review the FY2024 AASHTOWare Catalog and simply select this product to begin using.
Mayvue also recently announced an SNBI-compatible version of mobile collector. Contact Mayvue to discuss any data sync needs and data configurations. This version will allow inspectors to start collecting or checking SNBI data in the field.
The mobile application enables agencies to conduct inspections via Android and Apple phone or tablet devices remotely. It works offline and online to allow inspectors to collect inspection information without an internet connection. Please reach out to Mayvue or Ryan Fragapane for more information or to request a demonstration for your agency.
2023 BrMUG (Boise, ID)
Please register here for the 2023 Bridge Management User Group (BrMUG) meeting which will be held September 19 – 20, 2023 in Boise, ID. An agenda will be created during the June Task Force meeting and will be shared shortly thereafter. This is a great opportunity to learn about BrM’s strategic direction, and BrM 7.0 progress, and hear from Mayvue and BrM users alike about how BrM meets the ever-evolving needs of agencies.
We are excited to make this user group meeting the best one yet and see everyone in person!