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Article I – Annual Meeting

Section 1 – Location

During the annual meeting, nominations will be taken for the next year’s meeting location.  The locations with the top three votes will be given to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will determine which of the three will be the next location after consulting with each of the states to determine their willingness to be the host of the meeting and to accept the Office of Secretary. 

Section 2 – Meeting Chair

The President (or Acting President) shall chair the annual meeting or may delegate the responsibility to another officer. The chair of the annual meeting shall be responsible for calling for nominations from the Users Group for candidates to fill any officer vacancies, open the floor to motions for recommendations by the members, and may make motions for consideration by the members.

Section 3 – Voting

All votes by the members shall be by simple majority except for modifications or amendments to the Users Group Constitution and By-Laws, which shall require a sixty-seven percent (67%) majority vote of the quorum. 

Article II – Committees

Section 1 – Users Group Establishing Committees

The members of the Users Group may, by a simple majority vote of those in attendance at any meeting/web meeting or via E-Mail vote, institute or dissolve any standing committees it desires, for any purpose, consistent with the Users Group Constitution and Bylaws.

Section 2 – Establishing Committees

The Board of Directors with simple majority approval of those in attendance or via E-Mail vote may institute special committees for a period of one year or until the next annual meeting.

The Board of Directors shall appoint all members of committees with the advice and counsel of the members. The Board of Directors shall further define the duties of all committees.

Section 3 – Committee Reports

All committees shall submit an annual or final report to the authority that caused their appointment. Such reports may be formal or informal as directed by the Board of Directors.

Article III – Fees

Section 1 – Member Fees

The Board of Directors may recommend a schedule of fees adequate to carry out the objectives of the group and to defray the incidental costs of the group such as correspondence, meeting rooms, and newsletters. The schedule of fees shall be approved by a simple majority vote of the members.

Article IV – Affiliation

Section 1 – Users Group Non-Affiliation

No affiliation of the Users Group with other organizations may be made by the officers or membership in the Users Group without specific change in these Bylaws and after careful consideration.

Section 2 – Users Group Cooperation

Cooperation with other organizations, to the extent it does not compromise the Users Group, is specifically allowed.

Article V – Email Votes

Section 1 – Permissible Votes

Votes may be put to the membership via E-Mail/web meetings or other electronic technology for all business. Election of the Board of Director officers shall only be permitted during the Annual Meeting. 

Section 2 – Voting Quorum

A Quorum for E-Mail/electronic voting shall be sixty-seven percent (67%) of the active members in the User Group as measured by return replies. An action will pass with a simple majority of the quorum.